I've started a new series set in Iceland and focuses on one of my favorite heroines; Valkyries. Kiera Oliva has traveled the world, chasing the globe and completely unaware that her mother was once a Valkyrie, a warrior for the gods, who left that life far behind to raise her daughter away from it. But you can never out-run what you are. Chosen by the ravens who send Valkyries in search of her, Kiera will have to learn fast what it takes to become one of the Valkyries or fall. For an excerpt please take a look on my website: http://www.mmshelley.com/ravens-fall-excerpt/ and you can pick up a copy at Amazon! Paperback Ebook
The long awaited installment in The Chronicles of Orlando is here! This is the 5th installment in the Novella series: The Rising Empire of the Un-Dead About the Novella: The Chronicles of Orlando is a YA Fantasy, which follows Orlando Drake throughout the city of Los Angeles as he battles Zombies with Magik. With the help of his mentor Fernie, who happens to be a ghost, trains Orlando as he tries to keep the City of Angels safe. Orlando struggles with self doubt as he becomes a leader in a rebel band of outcast. In The Rising Empire of the Un-Dead Orlando has left his friends and home to complete his training under the tutelage of Yolanda Espinosa, the former teacher of his mentor Fernie. But Orlando is a hunted young man, and his training is interrupted as the city falls to those who have an army of Zombies and use the streets as their battlefield as they fight for Power. Amazon Barnes and Noble Kobo...