Title : The Blacksmith’s Son Author : Rebecca Thomas Publisher : Entangled Publishing Formats Available In : Digital Publication Date : November 25th 2013 Blurb : Captain Quentin Drake returns home after his naval commission ends to find a groom being beaten in the village stables. He refuses to turn a blind eye to the lad's mistreatment and intervenes, taking the lad to his room. Only to discover the boy...is a woman. After Ally Lockwood witnesses an earl committing murder, she fears for her life. She flees his estate and masquerades as a blacksmith’s male apprentice. Her ruse is up when a handsome stranger tending to her wounds disrobes her. Captain Drake lures Ally into believing she can return to life as a woman, but it may draw the killer back on her trail. Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble Excerpt: 1835, Liverpool, England Ally’s steps slowed and she glanced between buildings. Lightning flashed in the distance, tem...
Author of Young Adult, Fantasy and Sci-fi