Title: A Ranger's Tale Series: Tallenmere Author: Mysti Parker Publisher: Melange Books Formats Available in: All ebook formats and Print Release Date: January, 2011 Blurb: In the fantasy world of Tallenmere, an elven noblewoman longed to leave her gilded cage. A half-breed former pirate wanted nothing more than to escape his guilty past. Easier said than done... High elf Caliphany Aranea leads an enviable life as King Leopold's niece and daughter of Sirius, Leogard's most famous wizard. Yet, being forced to follow in her father's footsteps and being betrothed to a man she doesn't even like makes her want a taste of life outside the city walls. As a young boy, half-elf Galadin Trudeaux witnessed his parent's death at the hands of pirates. After being raised by those same murderers and forced to do their bidding, he escaped and now lives an honest life as a sea merchant and ranger. When two brutes at Leogard Harbor attempt to kidnap Cali...
Author of Young Adult, Fantasy and Sci-fi