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Interview with Mysti Parker

This is a great story, how did you develop the idea for The Tallenmere Series?

For a great many years, I was addicted to a MMORPG (massive multi-player online roleplaying game) franchise called Everquest. By the time I started with Everquest II, I had started writing little stories for the characters I played. One of them happened to be a high elf ranger…

After managing to get a novella published with Midnight Showcase (now Melange Books), I decided to shoot high and write Caliphany’s story. I sought help at Critique Circle, where I met some of the best writing mentors and critique partners ever. Over the course of a year, I had written my first novel A Ranger’s Tale, which Melange Books also published.

One of the main characters from ART, Jayden, had a really rough time of things and needed his own story by the end, so Serenya’s Song was born. A paladin by the name of Sir Robert who played a significant role in SS then demanded his story be told, hence the writing of Hearts in Exile. Yet another character, Mirabelle from HIE, will star in No Place Like Home. See the pattern? J

The first book in this series begins with A Rangers Tale followed by Serenya's Song and Hearts in Exile. How many books do you have planned for this series? 

I honestly don’t have a set number of books planned. I’d like to keep writing until a natural end to the overarching plot occurs. Each book now consists of its own standalone story, starring one of the main characters from the previous books. I like it that way, because I don’t like books to end with nasty cliff-hangers myself. Instead, I like a good solid ending that leaves room for more stories to come.

You have an excerpt of book four No Place Like Home listed on your site which introduces a new villain. Can you tell us about this new character? 

She’s new and not so new. I can tell you that. She practices almost every kind of dark magic that exists in Tallenmere, from sorcery to necromancy and everything in between. To be honest, she scares me a little. That excerpt seemed to flow out of me directly from the darkness of her soul. Coincidentally, souls are what she feasts upon, which will be the driving force of the main conflict.

 I love that you list playlist for your books. Will you be posting a new track list for No Place like Home ?

Absolutely. I’ve already gathered several for inspiration. Here’s one of my favorites:

Are there any other books which you are currently working on that you can share with us?

I’m working on my first historical romance. It’s set in 1866 Lebanon, TN and tentatively called ‘A Time for Everything’. That’s all I’ll share about it now, though, until I get it closer to publication.

Do you have a monthly newsletter for readers to subscribe to? 

No, unfortunately, but I’ve ALWAYS got something goin on over at my blog, Unwritten. This month, for instance, is a series called ‘Characters in Love’, featuring interviews about the love lives of characters from various authors and genres. Every month, I try to do something a little different, like writing contests or series, with reviews and random articles thrown in here and there.

Thanks so much for hosting me today, M.M.! This was a fun interview! ~Mysti

Thank you for stopping by and sharing this incredibly fun and exciting series with us! -M

 Title: A Ranger’s Tale

Series: Tallenmere #1

Author: Mysti Parker

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance

Publisher: Self Published

Formats Available In: All eBook formats and Print

Release Date: 21st January 2014 (Third Edition)

Blurb: In the high elf city of Leogard, an elven noblewoman longs to leave her gilded cage. A half-breed former pirate wants nothing more than to escape his guilty past. Easier said than done...

Caliphany Aranea, nearly a century old, leads an enviable life as high elf King Leopold's niece and daughter of Sirius, Leogard's most famous wizard. She is expected to follow in her father's footsteps to lead the Mage Academy and to marry a man she doesn't even like. Yet, she craves a taste of life outside the city walls.

As a young boy, half-elf Galadin Trudeaux witnessed his parents' death at the hands of pirates. After being raised by those same murderers and forced to do their bidding, he escaped and now lives an honest life as a sea merchant and ranger.

When two brutes at Leogard Harbor attempt to kidnap Caliphany while she dreams of faraway lands, Galadin comes to her rescue. Impressed by his skills, she asks him to train her as a ranger. Though he is hesitant at first to train a woman of her class, Caliphany's hefty sack of gold finally persuades him. Unfortunately, her father is not amused, and the two must escape before Caliphany faces a forced marriage and Galadin faces a noose.

From that moment on, to the finale, where Caliphany must decide where her heart truly lies, she and Galadin embark on a fateful journey that will change their lives forever. Can they survive the trials and tragedies ahead to find a love that stands the test of time?

Amazon ($0.99 until the end of February!!)

About Mysti Parker:

Mysti Parker (pseudonym) is a full time wife, mother, and author of the standalone Tallenmere series: A Ranger's Tale, Serenya's Song and Hearts in Exile, with more to come. This fantasy romance saga has been likened to Terry Goodkind's 'Sword of Truth' series, but is probably closer to a spicy cross between Tolkien and Mercedes Lackey.

Mysti's other writings have appeared in the anthologies Hearts of Tomorrow, Christmas Lites, Christmas Lites II, and The Darwin Murders. Her flash fiction has appeared on the online magazines EveryDayFiction and Angie’s Diary. She serves as a class mentor in Writers Village University's seven week online course, F2K. Currently, she's working on her first historical romance and has two children's books in the hands of a hard-working agent.

When she's not writing, Mysti reviews books for SQ Magazine, an online specfic publication, and is the proud owner of Unwritten, a blog voted #3 for eCollegeFinder's Top Writing Blogs award. She resides in Buckner, KY with her husband and three children.


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  1. Thanks so much for hosting me and for this fun interview M.M.!! ~Mysti


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